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Product Info

UKG Bryte for Smaller HR Teams: Streamline Processes Using the Latest in AI Technology.

UKG Bryte™, our artificial intelligence in service of all people, is designed to highlight improvement opportunities and create great workplaces. Bryte AI-powered tools in UKG Ready® help your employees further boost efficiencies and output so they can focus on more strategic business goals.

 Three smiling business people looking at a computer monitor.

With technology built to drive efficiencies that incorporates unique data through UKG’s 30 years of people, work, and culture data, companies can tap into unmatched insights and guidance not available anywhere else.

Among its benefits, Bryte AI: 

  • Empowers your people to quickly find the answers they need by asking questions using plain language, right in the flow of work. 
  • Allows UKG Ready to surface the most important information about your teams automatically and recommends next steps to make a difference for your company and people. 
  • Tracks employee sentiment and work patterns to anticipate what they are looking for from their employer and ensure that you’re creating a workplace where people want to stay and grow. 

Download this informative product profile to explore the benefits of AI in UKG Ready.